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Irregular Bathroom Mirror Decorative Metal Framed Vanity Mirror

Description. This mirror is the ideal wall décor for your bedroom, living room, foyer, and other rooms. This suspended mirror has a strong metal frame, premium glass, and a classic design for a long service life that won’t break or distort. Any contemporary set would look striking with this mirror. You can choose our product to expand your area and give it a little style.. Features. High-quality glass material and wooden backing. Innovative frame, smooth finish for timeless design. Can be hung vertically or horizontally. Good addition for bedroom, bathroom or hallway. Specifications. Overall Dimensions:. Vertical Style: 51cm W x 85cm H. Horizontal Style: 51cm W x 75cm H. Mount Type: Wall Mounted. Mirror Type: Accent; Bathroom / Vanity. Shape: Irregular. Orientation: Horizontal and Vertical. Framed: Yes. Frame Design: Classic. Frame Material: Iron. Frame Colour: Black. Storage Included: No. Lighting Included: No. Magnifying: No. Mirror Finishes: Shatterproof. Package Content. 1 x Wall MirrorDescription. This mirror is the ideal wall décor for your bedroom, living room, foyer, and other rooms. This suspended mirror has a strong metal frame, premium glass, and a classic design for a long service life that won’t break or distort. Any contemporary set would look striking with this mirror. You can choose our product to expand your area and give it a little style.. Features. High-quality glass material and wooden backing. Innovative frame, smooth finish for timeless design. Can be hung vertically or horizontally. Good addition for bedroom, bathroom or hallway. Specifications. Overall Dimensions:. Vertical Style: 51cm W x 85cm H. Horizontal Style: 51cm W x 75cm H. Mount Type: Wall Mounted. Mirror Type: Accent; Bathroom / Vanity. Shape: Irregular. Orientation: Horizontal and Vertical. Framed: Yes. Frame Design: Classic. Frame Material: Iron. Frame Colour: Black. Storage Included: No. Lighting Included: No. Magnifying: No. Mirror Finishes: Shatterproof. Package Content. 1 x Wall Mirror
